a change in 'last modified time' does not equal a change in file, technically speaking users are completely right and you're completely wrong.
This issue has been reported before, mIRC does not use a hashing algorithm to make sure the file changed.
The reason for this was that because it takes time to calculate such hashes, and that mIRC might be checking a lot of files, so it would prevent a possible slowdown in this case.
To me this feature is just broken as it does not check file for change but claims there is a change in file when there's only a change in "last time modification'.
I, like a huge number of people, got tired of getting the warning (15 scripts loaded usually means you get 15 prompts whenever this is happening, sorry but no thanks) and just disabled the feature, it's
possible to write a script which use an hashing algorithm.
@Protopia: if you are talking about looping on $script and using /reload, that's not going to be helpful because the events which are causing all of this are unknown