Hi. I'm trying to figure out how I can detect a number that's cyan and stick that number in a variable. For example:

<echobot> Some text 17 25 19 more text.

In the above I want to find the cyan number (25) and store it in say `var %foundnum = `. First I tried to see if I could even find the cyan number but that failed using:

on ^*:text:*:#test{
  if ($regex($1-, $chr(3)[0-9]{2}$chr(32)[0-9]{2,})) { msg $chan found }

$chr(3) for the mirc color trigger, [0-9]{2} for "11" cyan color code, $chr(32) for a space, and [0-9]{2,} for a number thats at least two digits.

Any help is greatly appreciated!