Even though this request is 7 years old, I'd like to see it implemented, especially now with the overwhelming rise of HTTP. Many HTTP servers are forcing GZIP compression even if its not requested, and currently mIRC does not have a suitable way to decompress such recieved data.

mIRC already supports the underlying methodology via INFLATE/DEFLATE aside from the checksum performed after decompression(adler32 for inflate; crc32 for gzip)

I suggest either of the following for gzip decompression:
;; .gzip to indicate gzip data is being decompressed
$decompress(file|&bvar, b).gzip

;; n: disable the checksum after decompression
;;     It would be on the scripter to remove (gzip-specific) headers
;;     and to calculate & verify the checksum after decompression
$decompress(file|&bvar, n)

This feature request has had quite a bit of support over the years:

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 07/09/17 12:50 AM.

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