mIRC version: 7.49
Bug subject element: |

while having active sockread, like running a server or reading from a server,

i had var value, used as %_render

%_render has &, ;, # also, &, " etc like from HTML source.

When i try to use echo and alias within same line for ex;

if ($sockname == wingman) { echo -a $sockname %_render | _fix $sockname %_render }

sockname returns the %_render's first or 2nd space target like $token(%_render,1,32) and completely ignores the $sockname.

which is, when i do the above thing that i use, it doesn't returns properly for $sockname value.

even i tried those aswell;

on *:sockread:wingman:{
var %_sock = $sockname
if ($sockname == wingman) { echo -a $sockname %_render | _fix $sockname %_render }

it's not properly returns the $sockname.

This is really important issue, i'm really afraid to using " | " this now. Please fix this issue khaled, i need it.