This snippet for the remotes tab will play a sound_filename.mp3 to channel if someone types in channel: !song sound_filename.mp3

If you have other types of sounds to play, you can add them to the list next to mp3 wav mid

If you want this to react to !song typed only in 1 channel, change :#: into :#NameOfChannel:

If you don't want to listen to sounds played into channel, you can remove the line beginning with "ctcp" and also those following it. If you want to listen to songs played into channel only for 1 channel, add a line next to ";place_holder" which looks like:

if ($chan != #NameOfChannel) return

on *:TEXT:!song *:#:{
  var %song $nopath($strip($2-))
  var %type $gettok(%song,-1,46)
  if (!$istok(mp3 wav mid,%type,32)) return
  var %file $getdir(%song) $+ %song
  if ($isfile(%file)) { ctcp # SOUND $qt(%song) | echo -ag played requested sound: %song }
else { echo -s actions to take if %song does not exist }

ctcp *:SOUND:*:{
  var %song $nopath($strip($2-))
  var %type $gettok(%song,-1,46)
  if (!$istok(mp3 wav mid,%type,32)) return
  var %file $getdir(%song) $+ %song
  if ($isfile(%file)) { echo $iif($target == $me,-s,#) listening to song played to $iif($target == $me,me,#) : %song | splay -q %song }
  else { echo $iif($target == $me,-s,#) Note: do not have song played to $iif($target == $me,me,#) : %song }