I'm not sure how else to explain this than to show it as code:

alias -l addjs {
  bset -t &example $calc(1 + $bvar(&example,0)) $1-
alias example {
  addjs example=function(){
  addjs     var request = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.SERVERXMLHTTP.6.0');
  addjs     request.open('GET', 'https://forums.mirc.com/ubbthreads.php/forum_summary', true);
  addjs     request.send();
  addjs     request.waitForResponse(60);
  addjs     if (request.readyState == 4) return "Done";
  addjs     request.abort();
  addjs     return "Timeout";
  addjs };

  var %js = example()

  comopen example MSScriptControl.ScriptControl
  echo -a Language: $com(example, language, 4, bstr, jscript)
  echo -a JS Load : $com(example, ExecuteStatement, 1, &bstr, &example)

  .timer -iom 1 0 echo -a Timer Triggered

  echo -a Calling function
  echo -a Called: $com(example, eval, 1, bstr, %js) $com(example).result

  comclose example

When the script is executed, the timer triggers while mIRC is waiting for the com to return:
* Opened Com 'example' (MSScriptControl.ScriptControl)
Language: 1
JS Load : 1
Calling function
Timer Triggered
Called: 1 Done
* Closed Com 'example'

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 18/03/17 02:26 AM.

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