I did a quick search and replace for the aliases with the color codes and deleted all instances of the aliases in the script... hopefully this works, haven't tested it.

on *:Text:!*:#:{ do.hang $1- }
on *:Input:#:{ if ((.* iswm $1) || (!* iswm $1)) { do.hang ! $+ $right($1-,-1) } }
alias do.hang {
  if (($1 == !hangman) && (!$hget(hangman))) {
    hmake hangman 10
    hadd hangman word $read(hangman.txt)
    hadd hangman chan $chan
    hadd hangman man $iif($2 ison $chan, $2, $nick($chan, $rand(1,$nick($chan,0))))
    hmsg $msg.hang.start
  if (!$hget(hangman)) { return }
  if ($1 == !hang) {
    if (($2 !isalpha) || ($len($2) != 1)) {
      hmsg $+ You gotta pick a letter moron.
    elseif ($hget(hangman,Picked. $+ $2)) {
      hmsg $+ Idiot... Try picking a letter that somebody else hasn't picked.
    else {
      hadd hangman Picked. $+ $2 1
      if ($2 isin $hget(hangman,word)) { 
        hmsg $msg.hang.right
      else { 
        var %hang.part = $hang.part
        hmsg $msg.hang.wrong(%hang.part)
alias hang.part {
  hadd hangman wrong $calc($hget(hangman, wrong) + 1)
  if ($hang.partname($hget(hangman, wrong)) == hanging) {
    hmsg $msg.hang.dead
    hfree hangman
  return $hang.partname($hget(hangman, wrong))
alias hang.checkwin {
  if ($hang.got != $hget(hangman,word)) { return }
  hmsg $msg.hang.save
  hfree hangman
alias hang.partname { return $gettok(a head;a neck;torso;arms;hands;legs;feet;hanging, $1, $asc(;)) }
alias hang.got {
  var %i = 1,%hang.got = $hget(hangman, word)
  unset %hang.left
  while (%i <= 26) {
    if (!$hget(hangman, Picked. $+ $chr($calc(96 + %i)))) { 
      %hang.got = $replace(%hang.got, $chr($calc(96 + %i)), @) 
      set -u120 %hang.left %hang.left $+ $chr($calc(96 + %i)) 
    inc %i
  return %hang.got
alias hmsg { msg $$hget(hangman,chan) $1- }
alias msg.hang.clue { return Current clue: $hang.got  $+ Letters remaining: %hang.left }
alias msg.hang.save { return $hget(hangman,man) $+  is saved! You're the best channelmates a person could want. }
alias msg.hang.dead { return $hget(hangman,man) $+  is DEAD! You all suck. Word: $hget(hangman,word) }
alias msg.hang.wrong { return Smooth gimp! One step closer to dead. You just got $hget(hangman, man) $+ $+ : $+ $1 $+ ! $msg.hang.clue }
alias msg.hang.right { return Well done, $nick $+  $+ ! You picked a winning letter. $msg.hang.clue }
alias msg.hang.start { return Get ready for some hangman... We are hanging $hget(hangman,man) $+  $+ , unless you can prevent it. !hang <letter> to guess a letter. $msg.hang.clue }