So, I use the command "!sudo x" to make mIRC do things when I'm not at my computer. I log into the chat on my phone at work and type "!sudo rpgMerchant" and it executes the alias labeled "rpgMerchant".

However, what I'm trying to figure out is how to make it execute parameters such at $rand(1,100).

A sample of what it looks like currently.

Message: "!sudo msg #channelname Random number! $rand(1,100)"
Response: "ExampleBot > Beep beep boop. Sudo Recieved. Executing..."
Message: "!sudo msg #channelname Random number! $rand(1,100)"
Response: "Random Number! $rand(1,100)"

This is my code.

on *:TEXT:!sudo*:#: {
if ($nick == kuboskube) {
msg $chan /me > Beep beep boop. Sudo Recieved. Executing...

PS - I haven't figured out users yet, else I'd use power levels instead of an if statement. That's my next goal after I get my current scripts finished.