I found out that I could not use a dynamic variable as the search text in ON (from what I understand), but it is fine to compare things to it in if statements, so I managed to make a workaround:
; OP can change currency name for this channel or clear it without using an argument
ON *:TEXT:!currency*:#:{
  if ( $nick !isop $chan ) halt
  if ( $2 == $null ) {
    unset %currency_name. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]
    echo -a currency reset to default
  else {
    set %currency_name. [ $+ [ $chan ] ] $2
    echo -a currency set to $2

;just so you can get the currency name with $curr at any time
alias -l curr return %currency_name. [ $+ [ $chan ] ]

ON *:text:*:#:{
  ;get the point name for this channel, if $null then use the default "points"
  var %curr $curr
  if ( %curr == %null ) %curr = points
  if ( $( ! $+ %curr ) == $1 ) {

    if ( $2 == $null ) {
      msg $chan $nick got $lookUpPoints %curr
    elseif ( ($2 == add) || ($2 == remove) ) {
      ;command <add|remove> user value
      $pointsValue( $2 , $3 , $4 )

Just posting the code in case someone else want to do something like this (if there is some better way to do this then please tell)

Last edited by FoxInABox; 27/10/16 02:20 AM.