I didn't have your updated JSON parser. I got it working now. But this works every now and then and then stops and then works again. Not sure if it's rate limiting or what. Here it is though. I believe you helped me with this script. I did include the client id. The uptime script works great. smile This script does not frown


on *:text:!recent:#:{
  var %stream = $mid(#,2-), %url = https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/ $+ %stream $+ /follows?limit=6&nocache= $+ $ticks
  jsonopen -uw server %url
  JSONUrlHeader server Client-ID 
  JSONUrlGet server
  var %list, %i = 0, %count = $json(server,follows,length)
  while (%i < %count) {
    var %display_name = $json(server,follows,%i,user,display_name)

    %list = $addtok(%list,%display_name,32)
    inc %i

  msg # Recent followers are: %list
  JSONClose server %url