I need a script that saves the stream time when a moderator types !highlight in chat. So i can easily edit the videos. I've tried this so far:

Originally Posted By: paper0rplastic
Using Froggie's JSON parser :

on *:text:!highlight:#: {
  highlight #

alias -l highlight {
  var %chan $1
  var %caster $mid(%chan,2)
  var %v highlight $+ $ticks
  JSONOpen -ud %v https://api.twitch.tv/kraken/streams/ $+ %caster
  var %id $json(%v,stream,_id)
  if (!%id) { msg %chan %caster is currently OFFLINE. | return }
  var %created $json(%v,stream,created_at)
  var %start $ctime($remove($replace(%created,T,$chr(32)),Z))
  var %uptime $duration($calc($gmt - %start))
  describe %chan + Highlight marker added at %uptime
  writeini highlights.ini %caster $ctime %uptime $+($chr(91),$asctime(m/d/yy),$chr(93))

on *:text:!display highlights:#: {
  var %caster $mid(#,2), %i 1 | while $ini(highlights.ini,%caster,%i) {
    var %m $v1 | var %r %r $readini highlights.ini %caster %m $chr(187) | inc %i
  msg # $iif(%r,Highlight Markers: $left($v1,-2),There are no highlight markers.)

But for some reason its not working frown
Thanks for the help!