
What i mean with the point 0 is the starting line to search up or down. And the point 0 is the last line that you can see on the window. The work will be start searching from that line (if the search is down or up from that point that depends if you are using the -n option or not).

Here you have a small and working example...
Has you know the dialog it was you that made i just add the mouse event (and others have already try it so it's working).

;This will check for any mouse event on that (@View) particular window, so make sure this piece of code is on top.
menu @View {
  ;It check in particular for the rclick event (right click mouse event)
  rclick:/dialog -m text_search text_search

;after this i guess what it does cause it was you that done it
Dialog text_search {
  title "Text searching"
  size -1 -1 400 110
  edit "",1, 15 30 150 20 %searchterm
  button "Up",2, 1 75 120 25,
  button "Down",3, 130 75 120 25,
  button "Close",4, 260 75 120 25, CANCEL
on 1:dialog:text_search:sclick:2: {
  ;/echo -a $did(1).text
  /findtext $did(1).text
on 1:dialog:text_search:sclick:3: {
  ;/echo -a $did(1).text
  /findtext -n $did(1).text