Add more $msg lines to the script like this:

on 1:connect: { raw CAP REQ }

on 1:text:*subscribed*:#mlgjrated:{
  if ( $nick == twitchnotify ) && ($istok($1-,subscribed to,32)) halt
  elseif ($nick == twitchnotify) && ( $4 == $null ) { 
    describe $msg jrateLove $1 has just subscribed!! Welcome to the PEARdise!! jrateCool
    $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool 

  if ($msgtags(room-id).key == 47456875) {
    if ($2- == $null) && (resub isin $msgtags) {
      describe $msg $1 jrateLove $msgtags(display-name).key has just resubscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row!! Welcome back to the PEARadise!! jrateCool
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool
    else {
      describe $msg $1 jrateLove $msgtags(display-name).key has just resubscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row!! Welcome back to the PEARadise!! jrateCool Message: $2-
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool
      $msg jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool jrateLove jrateHype jrateCool

Hope this helps! smile

Last edited by Pie; 16/09/16 08:34 PM.