First, the on Text event doesn't trigger when mIRC SENDS text to the channel/room. Its only triggered when text is received.

You'll most likely want on Input; something similar to:

;; On input is triggered when text is to be sent from the client to the server
;; the "#" indicates that this event should only trigger when text is sent to a channel/room
on *:INPUT:#:{

    ;; 1. Make sure control+enter wasn't used to send the message;
    ;;       This is basic mIRC convention for scripts
    ;; 2. Make sure multiline text wasn't pasted into mIRC to be sent
    ;;      Again, convention
    ;; 3. Make sure the input text isn't a command
    ;; 4. Make sure the server you are sending the text to is a twitch chat server
    if (!$ctrlenter && !$inpaste && /* !iswm $1 && $comchar $+ * !iswm $1 && * iswm $server) {
        ;; Create a variable that contains a list of the various colors
        ;;     List items are seperated with sapce
        var %colors = #1FF8FF #FF0000 #0FC99A
        ;; Select a random color
        var %color = $gettok(%colors, $rand(1, $numtok(%colors,32)), 32)
        ;; Send the color command to the channel/room
        msg # /color %color

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 07/09/16 10:54 AM.

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