actually use that

on *:text:!timeout*:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($2 == line) {
      if ($3 isnum) {
        %spamline = $abs($int($3))
        msg # Spamline is now $abs($int($3)) $+ . Messaging $abs($int($3)) times in a row will timeout you!
      else { msg # $3 is not a number! | return } 
    elseif ($2 == time) {
      if ($3 isnum) {
        %spamtime = $abs($int($3))
        msg # Timeout time is now $abs($int($3)) $+ !
      else { msg # $3 is not a number! | return }
    elseif ($2 == message) {
      %spammessage = $3-
      msg # Timeout message is now : $3- 
    else { msg # insufficient parameters. !timeout <line,time,message> <parameter> }
  else {
    msg # You dont have permission to do that!

on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop $chan) { return }
  if ($nick == %spamnick) {
    inc %spamlines
    if (%spamlines == %spamline) { 
      msg # .timeout $nick %spamtime %spammessage
      msg # $nick you're spamming too fast. slow down!
      %spamlines = 1

  else {
    %spamnick = $nick
    %spamlines = 1

with this you can set timeout line , message and timeout time
so your mods can change it while you're busy if needed too

edit: but you need to set !timeout line,message and time before first use! or it wont work

Last edited by Tulga; 04/09/16 10:08 AM.