The room-id is not necessary as twitch no longer sends re-sub messages to hosting channels. Also relying on $msgtags(display-name).key is not advised as display name is not ALWAYS set and may be empty resulting in a blank where the name should be. The new USERNOTICE tags also have a $msgtags(login) value that will always be set, so we can use an $iif to use display-name if it is set, and login if not. Replace #channelname in the code below with the #channel you wish this script to work in.

  if (($msgtags(msg-id).key == resub) && ($1 == #channelname)) {
    var %nick $iif($msgtags(display-name).key, $v1, $msgtags(login).key)
    if ($0 == 1) {
      describe $1 %nick has been subbed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row!
    else {
      describe $1 %nick has been subbed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row with the message:  $qt($2-)

Last edited by paper0rplastic; 29/06/16 10:48 PM. Reason: Now uses display-name if set, login if not.