before a ton of posts get made here to ask why their resubs no longer are being seen, you can read about it here: I have the following code to account for this change (credit goes to JACKY1356400) :
if ($msgtags(room-id).key == [CHANNEL ID HERE]) {
if ($2- == $null) && (resub isin $msgtags) {
msg $1 Welcome back $msgtags(display-name).key has resubscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row!
else {
msg $1 Welcome back $msgtags(display-name).key has resubscribed for $msgtags(msg-param-months).key months in a row with the message $2-
You'll need to get your room-id, i recommend debugging @raw and pulling the ID. Run the following:
//window -e @raw | debug @raw
Then change your key in the referenced code.