This should let mods do "!remove username" and "!rem username" to delete a name from the list, as well as "!reset" to reset the line. I don't have any time at the moment to edit the script so that only followers (instead of subscribers) can add themselves.

ON *:TEXT:!addme:#: {
  IF (($msgtags(subscriber).key) && (!$istok(%sub_list,$nick $+ $chr(44),32))) {
    SET %sub_list %sub_list $nick $+ $chr(44)
    MSG $chan $nick $+ , you have been added to the !list.

ON *:TEXT:!removeme:#: {
  IF ($istok(%sub_list,$nick $+ $chr(44),32)) {
    SET %sub_list $remtok(%sub_list,$nick $+ $chr(44),0,32)
    MSG $chan $nick $+ , you have been removed from the !list.

ON *:TEXT:!list:#: MSG $chan $left(%sub_list,-1)

ON $*:TEXT:/^!rem(ove)?/iS:#: {
  IF (($nick isop $chan) && ($istok(%sub_list,$2 $+ $chr(44),32))) {
    SET %sub_list $remtok(%sub_list,$2 $+ $chr(44),0,32)
    MSG $chan $nick $+ , $2 has been removed from the !list.

ON *:TEXT:!reset:#: {
  IF ($nick isop $chan) {
    UNSET %sub_list
    MSG $chan $nick $+ , the !list has been reset.