Hi so I have recently been messing around with sockets though it doesn't work. I get the error message: /sockwrite: 'GET' no such socket (line 36, remote.ini)

I would very much like to get some help thank you!

on *:TEXT:!connect:#magnusgameplay:{
sockopen Test thefaaborg.dk 80

on *:SOCKOPEN:Test: {
sockwrite -nt $RSplay GET /protocal.html
sockwrite -nt $RSplay Host: thefaaborg.dk
sockwrite $RSplay $crlf

on *:SOCKREAD:Test: {
if (!$sockerr) {
var %sockreader
sockread %sockreader
if (For mig har chatten* iswm %sockreader) {
tokenize 32 %sockreader
Test $4
sockclose Test

Life is potato.