I am proposing a change in how mIRC displays it's topics. Using the mIRC titlebar is fine, as well as showing the change of topic in scroll whenever it happens... but sometimes, people simply don't read topics in channels if there's important information.

Also, sometimes, good information is just on hand that would be good to have as a constant reminder for various reasons.

I'm proposing that the mIRC topic (as an OPTION, not FORCED) can he displayed at all times at the top of channel windows. This comes with urls being able to be clicked or other channel names etc.

Also, if you click in it, maybe the ability to edit the topic in real time withot pulling up the whole dialog box if you happen to be an operator in said channel.

http://imgur.com/qzkk4ON <--- this is a lazy example of what I mean.

AdiIRC has this topic feature I mention, as shown here.. http://bit.ly/1VX7P8x

XChat even has this feature. http://bit.ly/1XrGJpE

I'm just saying, mIRC Could benefit from such a simple feature that can be toggled and given multiple options.

Multi-row, scrolling text. Colors. No colors. Just make it change automatically when someone edits the topic. Hideable. Etc. The works.