Well, the second one is technically a button so you could make it look at the topic and open link(s) when you click it.

on *:start:tbtopic

alias tbtopic {
  unset %tb.*
  if ($toolbar(tb.topic)) {
    window -c @tb.topic
    toolbar -d tb.topic
    .timertb.topic off
  else {
    window -hfp @tb.topic -1 -1 256 16
    set -e %tb.pos 0
    set -eu2 %tb.pause 1
    toolbar -a tb.topic "Channel topic" @tb.topic 0 0 256 16 /topiclinks
    .timertb.topic -iom 0 20 tupdate

alias -l tupdate {
  if (%tb.active != $active) { set -e %tb.active $v2 | set -e %tb.pos 0 | set -eu2 %tb.pause 1 }
  var %t = $iif(%tb.active ischan,$iif($chan($active).topic,$v1,No topic.),$v1)
  drawrect -fn @tb.topic $color(background) 1 0 0 256 16
  if ($width(%t,Tahoma,-9,0,1) > 256) {
    if (%tb.pos >= $calc(48+$v1)) { set -e %tb.pos 0 | set -eu2 %tb.pause 1 }
    drawtext -np @tb.topic $color(topic) Tahoma -9 - $+ %tb.pos 0 %t $str($chr(160),10) %t
    if (!%tb.pause) inc -e %tb.pos
  else drawtext -np @tb.topic $color(topic) Tahoma -9 - $+ %tb.pos 0 %t
  toolbar -p tb.topic @tb.topic 0 0 256 16

alias -l topiclinks {
  var %x = 1,%t $replacex($strip($chan($active).topic),$chr(28),$chr(32),$chr(29),$chr(32),[,$chr(32),],$chr(32),<,$chr(32),>,$chr(32),$chr(123),$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),$chr(125),$chr(32),$chr(44),$chr(32))
  while ($wildtok(%t,*?.?*,%x,32)) {
    tokenize 1 $v1
    if ($wildtok($1,http://?*.??*,1,32)) || ($wildtok($1,https://?*.??*,1,32)) || ($wildtok($1,www.?*.??*,1,32)) url -a $v1
    inc %x

It will open all of the links it detects in the topic.

Getting a whole new bar for it should be possible with possibly dcx.dll, but it would require more work.

And while I was typing this I got a new idea, and decided to play around:
alias topicbar {
  var %x = 1,%m $window(-3).dw $calc($window(-3).dh -25),%a $active
  while ($window(*,%x)) {
    window -r $qt($v1) 0 25 %m
    inc %x
  window -a $qt(%a)
  window -pw0 +d @topicbar 0 0 $window(-3).dw 25
  set %topicbar.tx 4
  .timertopicbar -iom 0 500 topicbar.refresh

alias -l topicbar.refresh {
  var %a = $iif($active == @topicbar,$lactive,$active)
  if (%a != %topicbar.lw) set -e %topicbar.tx 4
  drawrect -fn @topicbar $color(background) 1 0 0 $window(@topicbar).dw $window(@topicbar).dh
  drawtext -np @topicbar $color(topic) Tahoma -11 %topicbar.tx 1 $iif(%a ischan,$iif($chan(%a).topic,$v1,No topic.),$v1)
  drawdot @topicbar

menu @topicbar {
  mouse: {
    if (%topicbar.mx) {
      tokenize 32 %topicbar.mx $mouse.x
      %topicbar.tx = $calc($2 -$1)
      %topicbar.lw = $iif($active == @topicbar,$lactive,$active)
  sclick:set %topicbar.mx $mouse.x
  uclick:unset %topicbar.mx | window -a $qt($lactive)
  Reset topic position:set %topicbar.tx 4 | topicbar.refresh
  Reset window positions:topicbar
  Close:window -c @topicbar | .timertopicbar off | unset %topicbar.*

alias topicbar.links {
  if ($1 == begin) { set -eu1 %topicbar.x 1 | set -eu1 %topicbar.topic $replacex($strip($chan($iif($active == @topicbar,$lactive,$active)).topic),$chr(28),$chr(32),$chr(29),$chr(32),[,$chr(32),],$chr(32),<,$chr(32),>,$chr(32),$chr(123),$chr(32),$chr(124),$chr(32),$chr(125),$chr(32),$chr(44),$chr(32)) }
  elseif ($wildtok(%topicbar.topic,*?.?*,%topicbar.x,32)) {
    tokenize 1 $v1
    inc %topicbar.x
    if ($wildtok($1,http://?*.??*,1,32)) || ($wildtok($1,https://?*.??*,1,32)) || ($wildtok($1,www.?*.??*,1,32)) return $replacex($v1,:,;) :url -a $v1
  elseif ($1 == end) unset %topicbar.x %topicbar.topic

It probably needs quite a bit of tweaking, but it's kind of what you wanted.

You can start it by typing /TOPICBAR.

If you right click the window it'll open a menu that has the links listed in the topic (also a few other options). If you left click it, hold the button down and move your mouse, it'll move the topic around. That way you'll be able to see the whole topic.