Originally Posted By: Fonic_Artes

You can also try this which Majeye made. Majeye Pastebin

It's a line counter, so that may help.

Actually, I made it ;P

Anyway that's an outdated version. I've since modified it to work better. Instead of just ignoring commands when the spam threshold is reached, this code should make the bot sleep for 5 seconds and then continue to execute queued commands after that.

Usage: Just insert a line with "LineCount" anywhere in your code before a "msg #"

alias pause {
  var %e = !echo $color(info) -a * /pause:
  if ($version < 5.91) {
    %e this snippet requires atleast mIRC version 5.91
  elseif ($isid) {
    %e this snippet can only be called as a command.
  elseif (!$regex(pause,$1-,/^m?s \d+$/Si)) {
    %e incorrect/insufficient parameters. Syntax: /pause <s|ms> <N>
  elseif ($1 == ms) && ($os isincs 9598ME) {
    %e cannot use milliseconds parameter on OS'es beneath Win2k
  elseif ($2 !isnum 1-) {
    %e must specify a number within range 1-
  else {
    var %wsh = $+(wsh,$ticks,$r(1111,9999)), %cmd
    if ($1 == s) %cmd = ping.exe -n $int($calc($2 + 1))
    else %cmd = pathping.exe -n -w 1 -q 1 -h 1 -p $iif($2 > 40,$calc($2 - 40),$2)
    .comopen %wsh wscript.shell
    if ($comerr) %e unable to open Wscript.Shell
    else .comclose %wsh $com(%wsh,run,1,bstr*,% $+ comspec% /c %cmd >nul,uint,0,bool,true)

alias LineCount {
  if (%LineLimit) pause s 5
  if (!%LineCount) set %LineCount 0
  if (!%LineTimer) set %LineTimer $uptime
  inc %LineCount
  var %limit = 30
  if ($calc($uptime - %LineTimer) < 30 ) && (%LineCount >= %limit) {
    window -a @LineCount
    echo @LineCount $time - $date - SPAM LIMIT REACHED 
    unset %Line*
    set -u5 %LineLimit On
  elseif ($calc($uptime - %LineTimer) > 30 ) && (%LineCount < %limit) {    
    set %LineCount 1
    set %LineTimer $uptime
  elseif ($calc($uptime - %LineTimer) > 30 ) && (%LineCount >= %limit) {    
    set %LineCount 1
    set %LineTimer $uptime

Last edited by Sakana; 05/05/16 08:02 AM.