Hello I got a cool idea for my bot and that is to see how many times a user has been timed out in a channel and store it in a txt document.

The message that twitch sends when someone gets timed out is
tmi.twitch.tv CLEARCHAT #channel nick

so it should write to a file everytime that triggers

it should look like this in chat.

User: !timeouts
Bot: User you have been timed out X times. Last time was (timestamp)

User: !timeouts User2
Bot: User2 has been timed out X times. Last time was (timestamp)

The part of the write to file Is the one I cant code.
on *:text:!timeouts:#: {
  if (%flood) { return }
  set -u4 %flood On
  msg $chan $nick you have been timed out (read file) times. etc