First of all, why you want to invite your self into the channel and not just use /join to join? btw i created this alias (using /JOIN, but you can change it with anything else you want), your English made me understand that you want an alias to join into all your %recan variable channels that is stored from yours previously connection, with this method (/JOIN) you will not need to care about permition denied message, if you still need the method to invite your nickname into a channel and pause the loop and continue it in the location that was stopped then its too mess to do this (if i can) and i also cannot test it to be sure, i hope this helps out:

alias joinall {
  if (!%recan) { echo -s There is is not any channel saved before! | return }
  if ($status !== connected) { echo -s Error: You must be connected into a server! | return }
  echo -s Joining all channels.....
  var %t = $numtok(%recan,44)
  var %i = 1
  while (%i <= %t) {
    var %c = $gettok(%recan,%i,44)
    if (!%c) { goto next }
    if ($me ison %c) { echo -s You already are into the %c channel! }
    elseif ($me !ison %c) { echo -s Trying to join into %c channel.. | join -n %c }
    inc %i
  echo -s End of joining all channels!

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