Originally Posted By: westor
Try use this code:

ON *:TEXT:!key:*: {
  var %f = C:\Users\Owner\AppData\Roaming\mIRC\keys.txt
  if (!$isfile(%f)) { msg $nick Error: File Not exist! | return }
  if (!$lines(%f)) { msg $nick Error: File is empty! | return }
  var %r = $read(%f,nt,1)
  var %rn = $readn
  if (%r) { 
    msg $nick %r
    write -dl $+ %rn $qt(%f)
  elseif (!%r) { msg $nick There is NOT any key available! }

That actually works really well! The "There is NOT any key available!" does not work if the file is empty though, but besides that, it works laugh

How can I add a cooldown to this command that lasts even if the mirc chat is closed and re-opened? Say a week cooldown or so?

Thanks again, you're awesome!