Try to paste it from here:

alias isurl { ; by Wims
  var %p = m@((?:(?:https?|ircs?)://(?:www\.)?|www\.)((?:(?:[-\w]+\.)+)[-\w]+)(?::\d+)?(?:/(?:[-a-zA-Z;/\d#:_?=&,().]*))?)@ig
  noop $regex(isurl,$1-,%p)
  if ($prop == all) {
    var %a = 1
    while ($regml(isurl,%a)) { var %url = %url $v1 | inc %a 2 }
    return $iif(%url,%url,0)
  return $iif($prop isnum 0-,$regml(isurl,$prop),$iif($regml(isurl,0),$true,$false))
on $*:TEXT:!songrequest &:#: {
  if ((%floodreqsong) || ($($+(%,floodreqsong.,$nick),2))) { return }
  if (!$2) { msg $chan Error, Please specify a song link! | return }
  if (!$isurl($2)) { msg $chan Error, Please specify a valid link url! | return }
  if (!$3) { msg $chan Error, Please specify a song name! | return }
  set -eu30 %floodreqsong On
  set -eu60 %floodreqsong. $+ $nick On
  write songlist.txt $3-
  write songlinks.txt $2
  write songusers.txt $nick
  msg $chan $nick -> Added $qt($3-) song name with $qt($2) link to the song queue list.

on *:text:!currentsong:#: {
  if ((%floodcurrentsong) || ($($+(%,floodcurrentsong.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -eu30 %floodcurrentsong On
  set -eu60 %floodcurrentsong. $+ $nick On
  if ($read(songlist.txt,n,1)) {
    var %slist = $read(songlist.txt,n,1)
    var %slink = $read(songlinks.txt,n,1)
    var %suser = $read(songusers.txt,n,1)
    msg $chan Current Song: %slist $chr(124) Requested by %suser $chr(124) %slink
  else { msg $chan There are no more songs in the queue list. }

on *:text:!nextsong:#: {
  if ((%floodnextsong) || ($($+(%,floodnextsong.,$nick),2))) { return }
  if ($nick !isop #) { msg # This command is only available to moderators! | return }
  set -eu30 %floodnextsong On
  set -eu60 %floodnextsong. $+ $nick On
  if ($read(songlist.txt,n,2)) {
    var %slist2 = $read(songlist.txt,n,2)
    var %slink2 = $read(songlinks.txt,n,2)
    var %suser2 = $read(songusers.txt,n,2)
    msg $chan Next Song: %slist2 $chr(124) Requested by %suser2 $chr(124) %slink2
  else { msg $chan There are no more songs in the queue list. }

on *:text:!clearsongs:#: {
  if ((%floodclearsong) || ($($+(%,floodclearsong.,$nick),2))) { return }
  if ($nick !isop #) { msg # This command is only available to moderators! | return }
  set -eu30 %floodclearsong On
  set -eu60 %floodclearsong. $+ $nick On
  var %t = $lines(songlist.txt)
  if (%t) {
    write -c $qt(songlist.txt)
    write -c $qt(songlinks.txt)
    write -c $qt(songusers.txt)
    msg $chan $nick -> The song list has been cleared.
  else { msg $chan There are no more songs in the queue list. }

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