I've looked for tons of scripts for twitch link protection but they 1. Don't work anymore 2. Don't work for multiple channels

My bot is in more then just 1 channel. So i want it so every channel can toggle it on and off for there channel not everyone elses channel.

The only script I found that works but isn't for multiple channels is this one

on *:text:!links*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if ($2 == on) {
      if (%links) {
        msg # Link protection is already enabled
      else {
        msg # Link protection enabled
        set %links On
    if ($2 == off) {
      if (%links) {
        msg # Link protection disabled
        unset %links on
      else {
        msg # Link protection is already disabled
    else { msg # ' $+ $2 $+ ' is not a valid function. use '!links on' to enable link protection and '!links off' to disable it again. }

on *:text:!permit*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) {
    if (%links) {
      set -u30 %permit $addtok(%permit,$2,32)
      msg $chan You have 30 seconds to post a link, $2

on +201:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) { return }
  if ($istok(%permit,$nick,32)) { return }
  if (%links) {
    if (*www.* iswm $1- || *http://* iswm $1- || *.com* iswm $1- || *.tv* iswm $1- || *.nl* iswm $1- || *.sh* iswm $1- || *.net* iswm $1- || *.me* iswm $1-) {
      .ruser 201 $nick
      msg # /timeout $nick 86400
      msg # That was your 3rd link. Try again tomorrow, $nick [Link] [24h]
on +200:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) { return }
  if ($istok(%permit,$nick,32)) { return }
  if (%links) {
    if (*www.* iswm $1- || *http://* iswm $1- || *.com* iswm $1- || *.tv* iswm $1- || *.nl* iswm $1- || *.sh* iswm $1- || *.net* iswm $1- || *.me* iswm $1-) {
      .ruser 200 $nick | .auser 201 $nick | .timermsg 1 3600 .ruser 201 $nick
      msg # /timeout $nick 
      msg # No links without permission, $nick $+ ! [Link] [Timeout]
on *:text:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) { return }
  if ($nick == PUT CASTER HERE) { return }
  if ($istok(%permit,$nick,32)) { return }
  if (%links) {
    if (*www.* iswm $1- || *http://* iswm $1- || *.com* iswm $1- || *.tv* iswm $1- || *.nl* iswm $1- || *.sh* iswm $1- || *.net* iswm $1- || *.me* iswm $1-) {
      msg $chan /timeout $nick 10
      msg $chan Please ask permission before posting a link, $nick [Link] [Warning]
      .auser 200 $nick | .timermsg 1 3600 .ruser 200 $nick