Like westor said, the script is terrible. It accesses a file multiple times whenever something happens, creates a file for every single user and keeps deleting and recreating it. It'll start freezing mIRC if there's even a bit more stuff happening in the channel(s).

Can't guarantee this works perfectly, but it most definitely works faster.

alias seenstart {
  hfree -w seen
  hmake seen 500
  if (!$isfile(Seen.db)) write Seen.db
  hload -b seen Seen.db

alias -l seentime return $asctime($gmt,yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss) UTC.

alias -l seenshort if ($len($1) > $2) return $left($1,$2) $+ ... | else return $1

on *:start:seenstart

on *:exit:hsave -b seen Seen.db

on *:join:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick joining # channel at $seentime

on *:part:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick leaving # channel $iif($1-,with $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) message,without a message) at $seentime

on *:quit:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick quitting $iif($1-,with $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) message,without a message) at $seentime

on *:kick:#: {
  hadd seen $knick $gmt $knick getting kicked from # channel by $nick $iif($1-,with $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) message,without a message) at $seentime
  hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick kicking $knick from # channel $iif($1-,with $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) message,without a message) at $seentime

on *:nick: {
  hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick changing their name to $newnick at $seentime
  hadd seen $newnick $gmt $nick changing their name to $newnick at $seentime

on *:topic:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick changing the topic of # channel to $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) at $seentime

on *:notice:*:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick saying $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) on # at $seentime

ctcp *:*:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick sending $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) CTCP message on # at $seentime

on *:action:*:#:hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick saying $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) on # at $seentime

on *:text:*:#: {
  hadd seen $nick $gmt $nick saying $qt($seenshort($strip($1-),300)) on # at $seentime
  if ($istok(! . @ $ §,$left($1,1),32)) && ($istok(seen s,$mid($1,2-),32)) {
    var %m = $iif($left($1,1) == @,.msg #,.notice $nick)
    if (!$2) %m Error: invalid parameters. Usage: $upper($1) <NAME>
    elseif ($2 == $me) %m I believe I'm right here, although I might be wrong. Maybe I'm just the product of your imagination.
    elseif ($2 == $nick) %m $replacex($gettok(<nick>? Never heard. Probably a loser<44> so who cares?|Oh... I guess you haven't heard? Well<44> this is awkward... <nick> hung themself because of you.|Does not compute: too unimportant person. Replace the user and try again.|<nick> got bitch slapped by an angry fishbot and ran away crying like a little girl.|<nick> is dead. Now go away and stay dead.|Really? REALLY? Seriously? You're really going to do this? FINE! Let's see... <nick> said they were going to a Justin Bieber featuring Rebecca Black concert and would be back when cows fly. I hate you. Everyone hates you. Go and kill yourself.|I heard <nick> is somewhere in the mirror<44> go and take look.|<nick> is behind the dumpster giving a blowjob to a guy for crack.,$rand(1,8),124),<nick>,$nick,<44>,$chr(44))
    elseif ($hget(seen,$2)) { tokenize 32 $v1 | %m I last saw $2- $b($duration($calc($gmt -$1)) ago) }
    elseif ($hget(seen,$hfind(seen,$2,1,w).item)) {
      var %n = $2
      tokenize 32 $v1
      %m I last saw $2- $b($duration($calc($gmt -$1)) ago)
      if ($hfind(seen,%n,0,w) > 1) %m There are also $bytes($calc($v1 -1),b) other(s) whose name matches to $qt(%n) $+ : $seenlistnames(%n)
    else %m I don't know who $2 is.

alias -l seenlistnames {
  var %x = 2,%n
  while ($hfind(seen,$1,%x,w)) {
    var %n = %n $v1
    if (%x >= 10) return $replace(%n,$chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32)) $+ ...
    inc %x
  return $replace(%n,$chr(32),$chr(44) $+ $chr(32))

Just put it in remote and restart mIRC or type "/seenstart". After that it'll do everything by itself. If you don't want it to keep track of part/quit/whatever ever events, delete/comment the events. In your case it would be the "on *:quit:..." and "on *:part:..." lines.

You can lookup people with !seen command, as an example: !seen Dazuz. You can search entries with the same command too, just enter whatever you want to look for instead of the name, as an example: !seen D?z*.

Any one of these in front of "seen" or "s" will trigger the command: ! . @ $ §, @ makes the response a channel message instead of notice.

Last edited by Dazuz; 15/01/16 12:11 AM. Reason: faulty eyes and fingers.