Hello all,

So after some research and editing, I've managed to create a working points system. The next step is to add a "gambling" function. This would be an on text command of the form "!gamble <amount>"; when this command is typed, the user gambles an amount (1-50) on a "roll." I will work on this bit later, but for now, I'm just trying to get mIRC to even respond to any input of "!gamble" in chat... right now I have only put script in that is meant to help a user properly format their !gamble command. Can anyone point out to me where I've gone wrong so far? I'm getting no response or Error messages when I type anything starting with "!gamble" into chat. If I can fix this problem I will continue to post on this forum about further developing this script (as opposed to creating a new one). (P.S. I'm aware both timers are only 5 seconds, this is just while I'm testing this all out). Thanks for your time!

on *:text:!gamble*:#: {
if (%floodgamble) || ($($+(%,floodgamble.,$nick),2)) { return }
set -u5 %floodgamble On
set -u5 %floodgamble. $+ $nick On
if ($0 != 2) || ($2 !isnum) {
msg $chan To gamble SN1PEbucks, use the form !gamble <amount (1-50)>
if ($2 <= 0) || ($2 > 50) {
msg $chan You can only gamble in the range of 1 - 50 SN1PEbucks.