So I have a quote bot for my stream, it will spew a quote from the list with the !saywhat command. However, I wish to have this on a cooldown so people can't spam quotes and get the bot banned. I can't for the life of me figure out how to add a cooldown to the !saywhat command detection.

I do not however want that cooldown on the !addquote command which will add quotes as long as they are a mod.

Here is my code so far
on *:LOGON:*:{
  raw CAP REQ

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($1 == !saywhat) {
    if ($2 == $null) { msg $chan $read(Quotes.txt, n) }
    ELSE {
      var %i 1
      while (%i <= $lines(Quotes.txt)) {
        if ($2 isin $read(Quotes.txt, %i)) {
          write tempfile.tmp $read(Quotes.txt, %i)
        inc %i
      msg $chan $read(tempfile.tmp)
      .remove tempfile.tmp
  %nicks = spyker_z_ex computerwiz160 missabirose
  var %check = $istok(%nicks,$nick,32)
  if ($1 == !addquote) { 
    if ($nick isop $chan) || (%check == $true) { 
      write Quotes.txt $+($2-)  
      msg $chan Quote Added : $+($2-) 