
I have a question if something is possible making with my script.

So I'm using a countdown for Twitch, which counts the duration time to set date and time.
It looks like this:

And the script looks like this:
alias todate {
  var %month = 11
  var %day = 30
  var %year = 2015

  var %todate = $calc($ctime($+(%day,-,%month,-,%year) 14:00:00) - $ctime)
  if (%todate < 0) {
    inc %year
    %todate = $calc($ctime($+(%day,-,%month,-,%year) 14:00:00) - $ctime)
  return %todate
on 1:text:*stream*:#yznb:{
  if ((%floodtest) || ($($+(%,floodtest.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u30 %floodtest On
  set -u60 %floodtest. $+ $nick On
  msg $chan @ $+ $nick Next stream starts in about $replace($duration($todate($2,$3)),hrs,h,hr,h,mins,m,secs,s,sec,s) $+

What I wanna know if possible, is to make so it says like this instead:

"Next stream starts in about 1h, 05m and 48s", instead of what is says now
"Next stream starts in about 1h 5m 48s".

Last edited by Artiiz; 30/11/15 12:24 PM.