
I noticed that when i click in my dialog into an non-id (!$did) and i have an if statement or an variable to save the currently text of the sclick id it returns error instead of $null, here is an short example.

In this example when the $did from the /echo is 0 then i get an error message that i should NOT get it because the $did is 0 so the text will be also 0 ($null) and the variable %text and %text2 should be $null or 0, this error breaks and stops the script progress if not any text exists into the 0 dialog id.

Error Message: * Invalid parameters: $did (line 18, script33.mrc)

dialog test {
  title "mIRC"
  size -1 -1 110 100
  option dbu
  tab "m", 1, 5 5 100 90
  tab "I", 2
  tab "R", 3
  tab "C", 4
  button  "m is for ... ;)", 11, 30 50 50 24, ok tab 1
  button  "I is for Internet", 12, 30 50 50 24, tab 2
  button  "R is for Relay", 13, 30 50 50 24, tab 3
  button  "C is for Chat", 14, 30 50 50 24, tab 4

ON *:DIALOG:test:*:* {
  if ($devent == sclick) {
    echo -a ID: $did
    var %text = $did($did)
    var %text2 = $did($did).text

- Thanks!

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