I added this lines.
Click to reveal..
ctcp ^*:winks1:{
if (!$window($nick)) { query $nick }
echo -a $nick sent me a winks1
on ^*:hotlink:winks1:?: {
if ($mouse.key & 1) {

Full code
Click to reveal..
alias dcx {
if ($isid) returnex $dll($mircdirdcx.dll,$1,$2-)
else dll " $+ $mircdirdcx.dll" $1 $2-
alias udcx {
if ($dcx(IsUnloadSafe)) $iif($menu, .timer 1 0) dll -u dcx.dll
else echo 4 -qmlbfti2 [DCX] Unable to Unload Dll.
alias xdid {
if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xdid, $1 $2 $prop $3- )
dcx xdid $2 $3 $1 $4-
alias xdialog {
if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xdialog, $1 $prop $2- )
dcx xdialog $2 $1 $3-
alias xpop {
if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xpop, $1 $prop $2- )
dcx xpop $2 $1 $3-
alias xpopup {
if ( $isid ) returnex $dcx( _xpopup, $1 $prop $2- )
dcx xpopup $2 $1 $3-
alias xmenubar {
if ($isid) returnex $dcx(_xmenubar, $prop $1-)
dcx xmenubar $1-
alias mpopup {
dcx mpopup $1 $2
alias xdock {
if ($isid) returnex $dcx( _xdock, $1 $prop $2- )
dcx xdock $1-
alias xtray {
if ($isid) returnex $dcx(TrayIcon, $1 $prop $2-)
dcx TrayIcon $1-
alias tab {
var %i = 1, %tab
while (%i <= $0) {
if ($eval($+($,%i),2) != $null) {
%tab = $instok(%tab,$eval($+($,%i),2),$calc($numtok(%tab,9) + 1),9)
inc %i
return %tab

alias mdc { return $dll(mdc.dll,$1,$2-) }

alias winks1 {
if ($dialog(winks1)) { dialog -x winks1 }
else { dialog -mh winks1 winks1 }

dialog winks1 {
title "winks1"
size -1 -1 600 600

on *:dialog:winks1:*:*: {
if ($devent == init) {
dcx Mark $dname winks1_cb
xdialog -b $dname +o
mdc FlashViewer Create $dname 1 -1 -1 610 630
mdc FlashViewer filename 1 > $shortfn(boring.swf)
.timer 1 5 dialog -x winks1

alias winks1_cb {
ctcp ^*:winks1:{
if (!$window($nick)) { query $nick }
echo -a $nick sent me a winks1
on ^*:hotlink:winks1:?: {
if ($mouse.key & 1) {

.editbox -s /winks1

If someone writes /ctcp nickname winks1.
Then activate the command winks1.
When pressed onto winks1(hotlink), you can see it again
(Now i know, it requires flash player also. If not installed, it will not work)

Now i want use timer. Use this command every 10-20 sec.

I do not know what I'm doing. laugh I will try something different