From what it looks like, you have a bunch of unneccesary lines in a textfile. Most lines just reappear with changing values that can be set dynamically instead.

Let's say the chance is 1 in 10 to get the trancends all message, in that case it would look something like this.
on *:text:!love &:#: { 
var %user $$2
var %rng $rand(1,100)
var %streamer $remove(#,$chr(35)) 
if (%user == $me) var %message Silly organic, bots cannot know love BibleThump
elseif (%user == %streamer) var %message The love $nick has for our beloved Dear Leader %user transcends all <3 .
else { 
var %chance 10
var %chance_rng $rand(1,%chance)
if (%chance_rng == %chance) var %message The love $nick has for our beloved Dear Leader %user transcends all
else var %message There's %rng $chr(37) <3 between $nick and %user $+ .
msg # %message

Nillens @
Nillen @