;You have to use an alias cause the timer doesn't work that way.
alias checkauth {
if ($remove($mid($address($me,2),4,99),@, != $me) {
return not authed
elseif ($remove($mid($address($me,2),4,99),@, == $me) {
return Authed

on *:connect: {
if ($network == quakenet) {
.timer 1 1 .msg AUTH %myauth $$?*
mode $me +x
if ($checkauth == not authed) {
msg script-bot $v1
.msg AUTH %myauth $$?*
elseif ($checkauth == authed) {
msg script-bot $v1
;join channels here 

This should work.
If you need more or it doesn't work let me know! smile

Last edited by OrFeAsGr; 28/09/15 01:55 PM.