Originally Posted By: Nillen
on *:text:!uptime*:#:{
  set %target $iif($2,$2,$mid(#,2-))
  set %channel #

alias uptime {
  sockclose uptime
  sockopen uptime nightdev.com 80

on *:sockopen:uptime:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname | halt }
  sockwrite -n $sockname GET /hosted/uptime.php?channel= $+ %target HTTP/1.1
  sockwrite -n $sockname Host: www.nightdev.com 
  sockwrite -n $sockname $crlf

on *:sockread:uptime:{
  if ($sockerr) { sockclose $sockname | halt }
  var %data
  sockread %data
  tokenize 32 %data
  if ($1 isnum) && ($2) { msg %channel %target has been online for $1- }
  elseif (%data == The channel is not live.) msg %channel %target is currently not online.

on *:sockclose:uptime:{ 
  unset %channel
  unset %target
Tested and working.
If you wanna set a timer to update an ini file, you can do that as well, writeini uptime.ini uptime %target %data


I have two questions about your uptime script.

Is there a way of making so that I can have:
{ msg %channel @ $+ $nick %target has been online for $1- }

So that I first tag the person who writes the command, and then says how long the channel has been live for? I tried doing like I wrote in the code, but then it just tags myself, and not the writer.

Is there a way making so that instead of showing:
has been online for 4 hours, 39 minutes

It will show like
has been online for 4h, 39m and *s

Best Regards