Appreciate that, Hey Can you try and help with my code, I can't seem to get it to work,

///Head Admin///
on *:text:!hadmin:#: {
  var %permstat = $readini(adminlist.ini, #Michaelukz, HeadAdmin)
  if (%permstat == $null) {
    msg $chan No Head Admin is set!
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan Error: Invalid use. !help hadmin
    elseif (set isin $2) { 
      if ($3 == $null) { 
        msg $chan Error: No user selected
      else {
        writeini adminlist.ini #Michaelukz HeadAdmin $3
  else {
    msg $chan Error: There is already a Head-Admin
    .timer 1 2 msg $chan To continue to set an admin do /hadrem

After this section it doesn't work:
on *:text:!hadmin:#: {
  var %permstat = $readini(adminlist.ini, #Michaelukz, HeadAdmin)
  if (%permstat == $null) {
    msg $chan No Head Admin is set!
    if ($2 == $null) {
      msg $chan Error: Invalid use. !help hadmin

That all works fine. but after that... I just can't seem to debug it. smirk frown.