If I swap out the haltdef/halt with setting the line to a blank line, weirdness still happens

; @tags=something :Nick!ident@host.com PRIVMSG #someChannel :text
on $*:PARSELINE:in:/(@\S+) \x3A(([^\s!@]+)![^\s!@]+@[^\s]+) PRIVMSG (#\S+) \x3A.+$/:{
  var %tags = $regml(1)
  var %host = $regml(2)
  var %nick = $regml(3)
  var %chan = $regml(4)

  if (%nick !ison %chan) {
    parseline -iqptn : $+ %host JOIN : $+ %chan
    parseline -iqptn :example!example@example.com MODE %chan +ov %nick %nick
    parseline -iqptn $parseline
    parseline -it

The above appears not to process the JOIN event-message at all, but the MODE event-message and re-queued PRIVMSG event-message seem to. If I place the /parseline commands on a 0second timer, all works as expected.

Q: Since, by design, the /parseline command does not break apart inputs by new lines($crlf) what is the point of the -n switch or supporting bvars?

Last edited by FroggieDaFrog; 03/09/15 06:24 PM.

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