Last night i was working on a dialog with icons and /did -g worked just fine. Now that i started writing it again /did -g isnt working at all. It looks like the sclick event isn't triggered at all. If someone can help me i would apreciate it. Thx!
Here's the dialog... and the sclick event.
dialog tictactoe {
  title "Tic Tac Toe"
  icon favicon.ico
  size -1 -1 100 100
  option dbu
  icon 1, 1 1 15 33
  icon 2, 40 1 15 33
  icon 3, 80 1 15 33
  icon 4, 1 40 15 33
  icon 5, 40 40 15 33
  icon 6, 80 40 15 33
  icon 7, 1 80 15 33
  icon 8, 40 80 15 33
  icon 9, 80 80 15 33
  ;icon 10, 25 1 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 11, 56 1 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 12, 25 17 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 13, 56 17 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 14, 25 33 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 15, 56 33 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 16, 25 48 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 17, 56 48 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 18, 25 63 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 19, 56 63 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 20, 25 78 15 33, tictactoeline.ico
  ;icon 21, 56 78 15 33, tictactoeline.ico

on *:DIALOG:tictactoe:sclick:*: {
  if ($did == 1) {
    did -g $dname $did tictactoeX.ico
    echo -at $did

So far i've tried to.. dont change the icon of the dialog (thinking that by any chance it would confuse mIRC..)
I tried to do without the "if ($did == 1) {"
The only thing that "worked" is putting the icon in ID 1 from the start but that's not what i want it to do. I want it to be blank and then i wanna change it on sclick.