Hi All,

Here is what I have been using for a while for a quote bot with audio playback. I am trying to see if there is a better way to do this. I am fairly knowledgeable in powershell. Though I don't believe there is a switch function that I can use. Well here is the code portion.

on *:TEXT:!q *:#: { 
  ;if ((%floodquote) || ($($+(%,floodquote.,$nick),2))) { return }
  ;set -u30 %floodquote On
  ;set -u60 %floodquote. $+ $nick On
  if ($2 isalnum) && ($2 <= $lines(%quotefile)) { 
    msg $chan Quote $chr(91) $+ $chr(35) $+ $2 $+ $chr(92) $+ $lines(%quotefile) $+ $chr(93) $+ $chr(34) $+ $read(%quotefile, $2) $+ $chr(34)
    if ($2 == 1) {
      var %qr1 $rand(1,2)
      if (%qr1 == 1) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q1-1.mp3
      else {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q1-2.mp3
    elseif ($2 == 2) {
      var %qr2 $rand(1,4)
      if (%qr2 == 1) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q2-1.mp3
      elseif (%qr2 == 2) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q2-2.mp3
      elseif (%qr2 == 3) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q2-3.mp3
      else {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q2-4.mp3
    elseif ($2 == 3) {
      var %qr3 $rand(1,3)
      if (%qr3 == 1) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q3-1.mp3
      elseif (%qr3 == 2) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q3-2.mp3
      else {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q3-3.mp3
    elseif ($2 == 4) {
      var %qr4 $rand(1,2)
      if (%qr4 == 1) {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q4-1.mp3
      else {
        splay %soundquotes $+ q4-2.mp3

This is a sample portion. Current system is 68 quotes with up to 4 different quote audio files. I have what I need working. Just wondering if there was a better way to do this.

Thank you all for your time!