I generally am connected to multiple servers with multiple channels in each. Previous versions I would click on a channel to see whats going on, click on it again to go back to where I was. In 7.42 this 'going back' randomly works.. sometimes clicking on the channel takes me back to the channel with the previous focus on the same network.. sometimes one on a different network.. the 'scope' of where the last focus seems to randomize. Thus making it somewhat unpredictable to check in on a channel when clicking on it again takes me back to a different channel than I would expect.

For example I'm connected to Freenode with 10 channels, Efnet with 15 channels, SynIRC with 3 channels.

If I click on a channel on Efnet then click on a channel for Freenode.. re-clicking on the channel takes me back and forth between these two.. working as expected. When on a Freenode channel, clicking on a different freenode channel on/off it takes me back to the Efnet channel. Clicking again on that Efnet channel... takes me to a different efnet channel. Thus why do some channels take me to previous network while some take me to a channel on the same network.. I don't care which it does as long as its consistent in its behavior.