I installed an update and may have used the full install option by mistake, so I'm back to where I started. When looking up information on this topic I found an old thread of my own posts when I previously asked for help.

Okay, I have this in my REMOTE.INI file:

on *:START:{
server gns.de.eu.mixxnet.net
server -m irc.zeronode.net
server -m asimov.freenode.net
on *:CONNECT:{
if ($network == MIXXnet) {
nickserv identify password
join #channel
elseif ($network == ZeroNode) {
nickserv identify password
join #channel
elseif ($network == freenode) {
nickserv identify password
join #channel

My question: How do I get REMOTE.INI to run upon program startup? I had it working before (I solved the problem), but the update set my settings back to defaults and it no longer works. I just need REMOTE.INI to run when I start up the program, that's all. Thanks for help.