to cover everyone's suggestions which were all good i'll add them in your script smile Just to help out
on *:text:!banhammer *:#brozerian: { 
var %user = $nick
;you are not using %user but in case you need it i added the = cause it won't work without it
if ($istok(%mods,$nick,32)) {
if ($2 == $null) {
msg $chan /me >: Which user you would like to strike with the ban hammer.
if ($2 isop #) {
msg $chan /me >: You can't ban Ops in $chan
elseif ($2 !isop #) {
msg $chan /me >: The ban hammer has striked on $2 .
msg $chan /ban $2
elseif (!$istok(%mods,$nick,32)) {
msg $chan You are not in my mods list.
;so this should work.. to add nicks in the mods list which i put in a var you could use a text command or this alias
alias addmod { if (!$1) { echo -at Error: Please input a nick to add in mods list } | elseif ($1) { set %mods $addtok(%mods,$1,32) | echo -at $1 Added to Mods List } | }