i need help on my script it does not work
this need to change every 30 min but it does not work

on *:text:!autohost*:#:{
if ($nick isop #) {
if ($2 == on) {
msg # /me Auto Hosting is now enabled.
.timerSelect 0 10 msg # searching for a channel to host.
var %NowHosting $read(NowHosting.txt)
.timerWho 0 13 msg # /me Now Hosting, %NowHosting
.timerHost 0 14 msg # /host %NowHosting
else if ($2 == off) {
msg # /me Auto Hosting is now disabled.
.timer 1 2 msg # /unhost
.timerSelect off
.timerWho off
.timerHost off