So this is the script I have (it is fully functional), and my question is, how could I go about adding to it where it'll feed back to a user that they are on cooldown(flood control) and have it tell them how long they have left until they can use the command again?

on *:text:!pizza:#kreenpananas:{
  if ((%floodkreenpizza) || ($($+(%,floodkreenpizza.,$nick),2))) { return }
  set -u10800 %floodkreenpizza. $+ $nick On
  var %file = kreenpizza.ini, %cmd = $1
  var %sum = $calc($readini(%file,n,$nick,%cmd) + 1)

  writeini %file $nick %cmd %sum
  msg # $upper($nick) has indulged in the Kreenstream's slice of life %sum $iif(%sum > 1,times.,time.) Immortality is at hand! (3-hour cooldown)