Alright. I'm back again with another idea and would like some insight / guidance. I'm looking to create a script that stores a Youtube link into (maybe a hashtable?) and has on text command that pulls the top one out of the table and then deletes it. So maybe something like:
;Song playLIST
on *:text:!songrequest*:#:{
  if %pl = on {
    /hadd -a 1 $$2 playlist
  if %pl = off {
    /hmake playlist
    var %pl = on
    /hadd -a 1 $$2 playlist

on *:text:!nextsong:#:{
  if ($nick == bubbernaut_cce) {
    msg $chan $hget(playlist, 1)
  else { msg $chan only bubbernaut_cce can run this command. }

Last edited by Feyl0rd; 11/03/15 08:11 PM.