Do you think you could make some thing like this?

Lets users gamble currency points over different options, that's another way to earn currency.
This is commonly used for win/lose over games/matches in the stream.
!gamble open <MinBet> <MaxBet> <WinReward> <option1> <option2> <option3> ... <optionN> - (Access Level 2) Opens a new betting pool.
MinBet - Specifies the minimum amount of currency required to make a bet, minimum value is 1.
MaxBet - Specifies the maximum amount of currency that a user can bet, minimum value is MinBet.
WinReward - Additional currency reward to give to each winner, minimum value is 0.
Options - Space separated, use quotation marks to add an option with spaces.
!gamble close - (Access Level 2) Locks the bets so that no more bets can be made.
!gamble winner <Option> - (Access Level 2) Closes the bet pool, and pays out people who bet on the correct option.
Option - The winning option, provide the name or the option id with a hashtag first (ex: #1).
!gamble cancel - (Access Level 2) Cancels the bet pool, and refunds all bets.
!bet help - (Anyone) Provides information about the availble betting options and how to bet.
!bet <Amount> <Option> - (Anyone) Bet <amount> on <option>
Amount - The amount of currency to bet.
Option - The option to bet on, can be the full option name or the id with a hashtag first (ex: #1)