Dude! You are awesome! Thanks for all your help! Quick thing, I had to add a variable %timer the song information would get deleted from the remini. Also you can't call an alias inside of itself so I just made a playYTcont alias. Here's the final script. You are great thanks again!

alias -l playYT {
  var %file songrequest.ini
  if (!$ini(%file,0)) return
  ; -----------------------------------------
  var %song $ini(%file,1)
  url -a www.youtube.com/watch?v= $+ %song
  var %timer $ini(%file,%song,1)
  remini %file %song
  .timerplayYTcont 1 %timer playYTcont
alias -l playYTcont {
  var %file = songrequest.ini
  if (!$ini(%file,0)) return
  : -----------------------------------------
  var %song = $ini(%file,1)
  echo -a $ini(%file,%song,1)
  url -a www.youtube.com/watch?v= $+ %song
  var %timer $ini(%file,%song,1)
  remini %file %song
  .timerplayYT 1 %timer playYT 

on *:TEXT:!play &:#:{
  if ($2 == start) playYT