on $@*:text:*:#:{
  if ($regex($1-,/.+\.(com|co|uk|net|org|gov|tv|edu|fm)/iS)) && ($nick !isop $chan) {
    if (!$istok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$nick,32)) {
      msg # .timeout $nick 1
      msg $chan Please, $Nick Ask a mod for permission to post links!
  noop $regex($1-,/^!(reg del|reg add|permit)\s(\S+)/iS)  
  if ($regml(1) == reg add) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($istok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),32)) {
      msg $chan $regml(2) is already on the regular list
    else {
      set $+(%,permit.,$chan) $addtok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),32)
      msg $chan $regml(2) You are now always permitted to post links
  if ($regml(1) == permit) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    set $+(%,permit.,$chan) $addtok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),32)
    set -u30 $+(%,permit.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),1,32)
    msg $chan $regml(2) You have 30 seconds to post a link in here
  if ($regml(1) == reg del) && ($nick isop $chan) {
    if ($istok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),32)) {
      set $+(%,permit.,$chan) $remtok($($+(%,permit.,$chan),2),$regml(2),1,32)
      msg $chan $regml(2) removed from regular list
    else {
      msg $chan $regml(2) is not on regular list

Its possible I made a typo or soemthing in here I didnt test anything, but the idea is...make the variable specific to the channel by naming it dynamically by including the channel name.

Its worth noting

  if ($regex($1-,/.+\.(com|co|uk|net|org|gov|tv|edu|fm)/iS)) && ($nick !isop $chan) {

the links that are most likely to be abusive links, url shorteners, would bypass your link protection.

Last edited by Belhifet; 13/01/15 09:59 AM.