Ok so I modified this to work from an ini file and it seems to be working. My question is, is the on *:TEXT:*:#: portion as efficient as it can be, or can I make it any shorter or more efficient?
on *:TEXT:!blacklist*:#: {
  if ($nick !isop #) { return }
  var %file blacklist.ini
  if ($2 == add) {
    if ($ini(%file,#,$3) == $null) {
      writeini %file # $3 1
      describe # + $3 has been added to the Blacklist.
    else {
      msg # $3 is already on the Blacklist.
  elseif ($2 == del) {
    if ($ini(%file,#,$3) != $null) {
      remini %file # $3
      describe # - $3 has been removed from the Blacklist.
    else { 
      msg # Sorry, $3 was not found on the Blacklist.
  else {
    msg # Usage: !blacklist $chr(91) add $chr(124) del $chr(93)

on *:TEXT:*:#: {
  if ($nick isop #) { return }
  var %i 1 | while $ini(blacklist.ini,#,%i) {
    var %list %list $v1
    inc %i
  var %j = 0
  while (%j < $numtok(%list,32)) {
    inc %j
    var %words = $gettok(%list,%j,32)
    if (%words isin $strip($1-)) {
      .msg # /timeout $nick 1
      msg # Please don't use blacklisted words/phrases, $nick [Blacklist] [Warning]